The winners of Prospettiva Danza Teatro International Prize 2021 are Matteo Vignali / Noemi Dalla Vecchia
The winners of Prospettiva Danza Teatro International Prize 2021 are MATTEO VIGNALI / NOEMI DALLA VECCHIA with the choreography Another with you, which was also awarded the Audience Prize. This year a Special Mention was indicated by the jury to the choreographer SILVIA BATET for Oblivium, who will therefore be invited to perform the complete project in the 2022 edition of Prospettiva Danza Teatro Festival. A heartfelt thanks to the other finalists: Rossella Delvecchio and Annalì Rainoldi.
Prospettiva Danza Teatro International Prize supports young contemporary dance with an international jury of experts who have examined the proposed projects with skill and attention, opening up to a constructive and precious dialogue with the artists. The final evening was full of emotions. The 4 finalists selected by the jury performed on the stage of the Ridotto of the Teatro Verdi in Padua: Silvia Batet, Rossella Delvecchio, Annalì Rainoldi and Matteo Vignali / Noemi Dalla Vecchia. Finally, we thank to the large public, who attended this 12th edition of the Prize, to the Fondazione Cariparo and to Banca Etica for their fundamental support.
The winner will have a production prize of 5000 euros, a one-week creation residency within the spaces of the Prospettiva Danza Teatro Festival and the performance of the complete project in the programme of the 2022 Edition. We remind you that the prize is financed by the Fondazione Cariparo, from the Fondazione Finanza Etica and from Antenore Energia.
The dynamics of a relationship where small and natural daily events tell the life of two young lovers and their constant sentimental transformations. Everything happens in a time marked by the timbre of a piano that describes detailed sensations and memories. The two speak and listen to each other directly, they do not intend to hide anything, they continue to reveal themselves but to understand each other. They show their already mature way of facing the difficulties of a life journey together, in which both can do nothing but rediscover themselves and the other, through a sincere dialogue without filters or doubts.
Another With You serves as the starting point of VIDAVÈ’s choreographic work. It was designed to bring together the visions of the two dancers of the project in a single form of movement where both could reveal the artistic bond in a clear and sincere way. The project is that of a pas de deux which highlights, through a heated dialogue between two lovers, moments of difficulty for the couple.
Soul Space by Rossella Delvecchio
The jury appreciated the intention to use different medias. The attempt to fuse a cinematographic directorial approach to the work is positively rated, clearly linked to the dramaturgy of the body.
Another with you by Matteo Vignali
The jury appreciated the expressive poetics of the bodies, the precise restitution of the quality of movement and the musical research linked to the use of the voice as well as the desire to combine this means of expression with the vocabulary of the body.
Natuur by Annalì Rainoldi
The jury appreciated the commitment to engage in a profound work that is inspired by a complex imaginary such as the one that presupposes the relationship to Bosh’s work, making it necessary to undertake an articulated path in deepening the musical, aesthetic and choreographic vocabulary components.
Oblivium by Silvia Batet
The jury appreciated the completeness of construction, the ability to integrate the costume into the pure choreographic system, making it a scenic element and substantiating its directorial completeness and the ability to create an organic and hypnotic ample.