Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2021 – XXIII edition C’È BELLEZZA IN OGNI COSA
Zappalà Danza Company | Instrument Jam
Saturday 11th September 2021 h 9.00 pm Piccolo Teatro Don Bosco, Via Asolo, 2, 35142 Padova PD
with Adriano Coletta, Adriano Popolo Rubbio, Roberto Provenzano, Antoine Roux-Briffaud, Fernando Roldan Ferrer, Salvatore Romania, Erik Zarcone
original live music Puccio Castrogiovanni
choreography and direction Roberto Zappalà
Instrument Jam aggregates all the instruments of Roberto Zappalà’s Instruments project. In this show, the Marranzani virtuoso Puccio Castrogiovanni is joined by Arnaldo Vacca on the drums and Salvo Farruggio on the hang, to amplify the musical score of the first chapter Instrument 1. The echoes of the new instruments reverberate on the dance, creating new suggestions. On stage, together with the musicians, are the seven dancers of the company, all men, who interpret with vigor and arrogance a Sicily without borders, where tradition and modernity meet, cross and merge.
8.00 pm box office opening
9.00 pm it’s show time!
€ 10 online at no additional cost
At ticket office:
€ 12 single ticket
€ 10 for students with Studiare a Padova Card, Coop Alleanza 3.0 partners, holders of Banca Etica debit or credit card
T. 334 2042331