Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2024 – XXVI edition
Vetrina giovane danza d’autore 2023 | ALBATROS | CUMA
Friday, May 10th 2024, Ridotto of Teatro Comunale G. Verdi, Padua
Creations selected for the for the Vetrina giovane danza d’autore 2023:
Pablo Ezequiel Rizzo | ALBATROS
choreography and authorship by Pablo Ezequiel Rizzo
with Alessandra Cozzi and Pablo Ezequiel Rizzo
Michele Ifigenia / Tyche | CUMA
choreography by Michele Ifigenia Colturi
with Federica D’Aversa
filmmaker Lorenzo Basili
The shows selected for the Vetrina della giovane danza d’autore of the Network Anticorpi XL, an Italian network dedicated to the support and promotion of new generations of authors, continue. On the second Anticorpi evening of the festival the performances conceived by Pablo Ezequiel Rizzo, who in Albatros draws inspiration from the cyborg theory of the biologist and philosopher Donna Haraway to investigate the concept of nature and the natural, and by Michele Ifigenia/Tyche Colturi, who in Cuma reconstructs the elements belonging to the archetype of the sibyl to bring to life a last divinatory message, will be staged in the Sala Ridotto of the Teatro Comunale G. Verdi.
Program for Friday May 10th
5.30 p.m. ticket office opening
6.30 p.m. INESORABILMENTEUNAVIA (Ridotto of Teatro Comunale G. Verdi, Padua)
to follow creations selected for the Vetrina giovane danza d’autore 2023:
Pablo Ezequiel Rizzo | ALBATROS
Michele Ifigenia / Tyche | CUMA
CARNET 11 SHOWS € 88 admission for all days of performances
Full €12
Reduced €10 for under30 and over65
Reduced €8 for students with Studiare a Padova card
cell. 334 6532487