Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2023 – XXV edition
Spaziodanza, Gershwin spettacoli | Gèminis (suoni, danze e visioni)
Wednesday 10 May 2023,h 18.30, Teatro Comunale G. Verdi – Sala Ridotto, Padua
first study
co-creation of Carlo Massari and Laura Pulin
music Maurizio Camardi sassofoni, duduk, Ernesttico percussioni, elettronica
dance Eleonora de Logu and Valeria Mutinelli
design Laura Pulin and Maurizio Camardi
A creation on the memory, on the traces that we leave voluntarily or involuntarily to our passage, on the roots that inextricably intertwine our past, present and future. A physical and sound relationship crosses and vivifies the scenic space, creating a temporal bridge between what we were and what we have become. As in a modern Beckettian revisitation, bodies enjoy being, waiting for someone or something (that has to come?), deluding themselves that sooner or later this will happen, and gradually losing the perception of time. What remains, visible but impalpable, at the end of our “living” the places? An immersive scenic concert, in which the viewer is an active part of the action itself and in it is recognized and reflected. A shared ritual, cyclical as a continuous production and disposal, in an eternal and infinite sequence.
Program for Wednesday 10 May
h. 17.30 ticket opening
h. 18.30 Spaziodanza, Gershwin spettacoli | Gèminis
h. 17.30 ticket opening
h. 18.30 Spaziodanza, Gershwin spettacoli | Gèminis
CARNET € 90 admission for all 9 days of show
cell. 334 6532487