Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2021 – XXIII edition C’È BELLEZZA IN OGNI COSA
Olivia Court Mesa | I carry, you hold
Thursday 16th September 2021 h 9.00 pm Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza delle Erbe, 35100 Padova PD
with Olivia Court Mesa e Yochai Ginton
choreography Olivia Court Mesa
assistant to creation Yochai Ginton
I carry, you hold, premiered in November 2019 as part of the “Curtain Up Festival” in Israel, is the latest creation by Chilean-Israeli choreographer Olivia Court Mesa. The two dancers on stage interact in an uncompromising space of physical actions: the relationship between them is shaken, agitated and reexamined, the hierarchy disappears. Their bodies meet while maintaining their independence, listening to each other, becoming aware of a physicality “other” than their own and creating a balance in which there is no victory or defeat. A contact improvisation show with a remarkable expressive power.
8.00 pm box office opening
9.00 pm it’s show time: I CARRY, YOU HOLD di Olivia Court Mesa
10.00 pm it’s show time: MEOHADIM by Jacob Gómez
€ 10 online at no additional cost
At ticket office:
€ 12 single ticket
€ 10 for students with Studiare a Padova Card, Coop Alleanza 3.0 partners, holders of Banca Etica debit or credit card
The ticket is valid also for MEOHADIM by Jacob Gómez. Access to the shows will be allowed only at the beginning of the evening within 9 pm.
cell. 334 2042331