Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2024 – XXVI edition
Marco D’Agostin | BEST REGARDS
Thursday, May 9th, 2024, 9:30 p.m., Ridotto of Teatro Comunale G. Verdi, Padua
by and with Marco D’Agostin
sound and graphics LSKA
texts by Chiara Bersani, Marco D’Agostin, Azzurra D’Agostino, Wendy Houstoun
Best Regards is the letter that Marco D’Agostin writes, eight years late, to someone who will never answer. “It is a way of saying: “Dear N, I wanted to be too much too” – tells the choreographer – It is an invitation to participate in a tribute lay and pop: we sing together of a nostalgia that affects us all, we who did not arrive in time to say what we wanted to. In the shadow of expired time – and under the light that Nigel continues to project onto the scene of those who dance today – we resonate a pounding refrain, we unfold before our eyes a blank sheet of paper and ask ourselves: how do we begin it, this impossible letter?”
Program for Thursday, May 9th
8:30 p.m. box office opening
9:30 p.m. BEST REGARDS (Ridotto of Teatro Comunale G. Verdi, Padua)
CARNET 11 SHOWS € 88 admission for all days of performances
Full €12
Reduced €10 for under30 and over65
Reduced €8 for students with Studiare a Padova card
cell. 334 6532487