Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2022 – XXIV edition EQUILIBRI
Lorenzo Morandini | Idillio
Thursday 5th May 2022 h. 20.30 Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza delle Erbe, 35100 Padova
by and with Lorenzo Morandini
music by Giuseppe Verdi e Mattia Nardon
co-production NINA, Festival Danza in Rete-Fondazione Teatro, Comunale Città di Vicenza
Anticorpi eXpLo – tracce di giovane danza d’autore
Idillio is a single choreographic where the dancer undergoes a condition of pressure and responds with actions devoid of useful purpose. By deconstructing repetitions, new systems achieved or the total randomness, Lorenzo Morandini creates gestural irony in rhythm and postures that burst as contradictions even in the musical score. A performance as grotesque as it is ingenious, of brilliant and intelligent inventiveness, which becomes a constant dialogue between body and music, for new definitions of stillness and imperturbability, and relative opposites..
Program of the evening Monday 2nd May
19.30 opening ticket office
20.30 beginning (to follow)
Lorenzo Morandini | Idillio
Roberto Tedesco | Punch 24
CÍA. Silvia Batet | Oblivion
Entrance from Palazzo Moroni’s garden.
CARNET 8 (admission for all 8 days of the show) € 64 with reserved seat
online € 10
At the ticket office: full € 12 – reduced € 10
Reduction for students with Studiare a Padova card, Coop Alleanza 3.0 members, debit or credit card holders Banca Etica
Access to the spaces will take place according to the COVID 19 anti-contagion protocol in force on the date of the shows.
The program may be subject to variations.
cell. 337 1332298