Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2022 – XXIV edition EQUILIBRI
Collettivo Mine | Corpi Elettrici site specific
Saturday 7th May 2022 h. 20.30 Palazzo della Regione, Piazza delle Erbe, 35100 Padova
with and choreography by Collettivo Mine
Francesco Saverio Cavaliere, Siro, Guglielmi, Fabio Novembrini, Roberta Racis, Silvia Sisto
production Gender Bender Festival
Corpi Elettrici was born as a special project of Gender Bender with the Conservatory G.B. Martini of Bologna. The show develops from twenty video works result of the deep and poetic dialogue between the dancers of the collective MINE and the students of the courses of Electronic Music and Applied Music, which took place in videoconference during the lockdown. On the occasion of Prospettiva Danza Teatro will be presented in a site-specific version specifically designed for the Palazzo della Ragione, where the live transposition of this synergistic path will take place: a dance record, a collective reflection on the solo and on electricity between bodies that interact electrically even not touching, in reciprocity alone.
Program of the evening
19.30 opening ticket office
20.30 beginning
Entrance from Palazzo Moroni’s garden.
CARNET 8 (admission for all 8 days of the show) € 64 with reserved seat
online € 10
At the ticket office: full € 12 – reduced € 10
Reduction for students with Studiare a Padova card, Coop Alleanza 3.0 members, debit or credit card holders Banca Etica
Access to the spaces will take place according to the COVID 19 anti-contagion protocol in force on the date of the shows.
The program may be subject to variation
cell. 337 1332298