Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2021 – XXIII edition C’È BELLEZZA IN OGNI COSA
CollettivO CineticO | Dialogo Terzo: IN A LANDSCAPE
Tuesday 14th September 2021 Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza delle Erbe, 35100 Padova PD
action and creation Simone Arganini, Margherita Elliot, Carmine Parise, Angelo Pedroni, Francesca Pennini, Stefano Sardi
choreography and direction Alessandro Sciarroni
In a landscape is the third dialogue of the anthology inaugurated by CollettivO CineticO with other authors, aimed at blending and smoothing its borders. In this contamination with Alessandro Sciarroni – which closes the cycle inaugurated by Sharon Fridman and continued by Enzo Cosimi – the peculiar, sporty and ungrammatical bodies of the dancers relate to a hula hoop. The work takes its name from the homonymous song by John Cage, which also accompanies the movements on stage. The obstinacy of repetition typical of Sciarroni’s works, thanks to the interpretation of the performers, seems to be transformed into a feeling of serene determination, a voluntary extinction of the subject, an act of extreme love.
Ore 20.00 apertura della biglietteria
Ore 21.00 inizio dello spettacolo SAGA – versione site specific
A seguire inizio dello spettacolo Dialogo Terzo: IN A LANDSCAPE
€ 10 online at no additional cost
At ticket office:
€ 12 single ticket
€ 10 for students with Studiare a Padova Card, Coop Alleanza 3.0 partners, holders of Banca Etica debit or credit card
The ticket is valid also for SAGA – site specific version by Marco D’Agostin. Access to the shows will be allowed only at the beginning of the evening within 9 pm.
cell. 334 2042331