Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2022 – XXIV edition EQUILIBRI
CÍA. Silvia Batet | Oblivion
Thursday 5th May 2022 h. 20.30 Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza delle Erbe, 35100 Padova
with Marta García, Lara Munin, Raquel Romero, Anna Serra, Pere Seda
music by Sergi Puig
ideation, direction and choreography by Silvia Batet
production Muntsa Roca, Rita Stivala – Anastàtica (Spagna)
Oblivion is a place of transformation between mourning and emptiness, between nothing and memory, poised between being forgotten and being forgiven. Immersed in a dreamlike world of fantasy and surrealism, it could also be an image of the afterlife, as Dante describes it in the Divine Comedy: a space conditioned by the idea of the circle, by the eternal wandering of bodies in space, as if in the act of moving in space there was ultimately an act of surrender and a renunciation of all that binds us to suffering. Oblivion is a path that becomes easier and easier to follow, a dance of increasing entropy: after all, what is beyond and oblivion could easily coincide.
Program of the evening Thursday 5th May
19.30 opening ticket office
20.30 beginning (to follow)
Lorenzo Morandini | Idillio
Roberto Tedesco | Punch 24
CÍA. Silvia Batet | Oblivion
Entrance from Palazzo Moroni’s garden.
CARNET 8 (admission for all 8 days of the show) € 64 with reserved seat
online € 10
At the ticket office: full € 12 – reduced € 10
Reduction for students with Studiare a Padova card, Coop Alleanza 3.0 members, debit or credit card holders Banca Etica
Access to the spaces will take place according to the COVID 19 anti-contagion protocol in force on the date of the shows.
The program may be subject to variations.
cell. 337 1332298