Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2019 – XXI edition
Prospettiva Danza Teatro Award 2019
Tuesday 2 April 2019 / 21:00
Teatro Comunale G. Verdi, Sala Ridotto
Via dei Livello, 32, 35121 Padova PD
semifinal behind closed doors with the jury
Prospettiva Danza Teatro International Prize was born ten years ago to implement the cultural supply of Prospettiva Danza Teatro Dance Festival, in the beautiful italian town of Padua. The Municipality of Padua is strongly involved in supporting this experience of finding and financing young choreographers all around the world. During the evening show the winner of the selection will be nominated and awarded with the Prospettiva Danza Prize, which consists in 5.000 Euros. The winner of the competition also agrees to participate in the next Prospettiva Danza Teatro Festival. During the evening show, a choreographer will be nominated and awarded with the Creativamente Prize which consist in 2.000 Euros pre-tax. It’s ten years now Prospettiva Danza Teatro International Prize, supported by Municipality of Padua and sponsored by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo and CreativaMente Foundation, in collaboration with Circuito Regionale Arteven and the Artistic Direction of Laura Pulin, promotes young artists.
The jury consists of artists coming from all around the world: Cedric Lambrette, Lee Jong Ho, Christian Watty, Valentina Marini, Rosanna Brocanello, the artistic director of Prospettiva Danza Laura Pulin, Patrizia Boscolo and Paola Bruna. Find out more about them.
ore 21.00 final round
free entry
Teatro Comunale G. Verdi
Via dei Livello 32
35139 Padova
Sala Ridotto